Unclaimed Balances

US state laws require certain companies that hold funds on behalf of others to report and remit unclaimed property (such as account balances) for inactive accounts—a process known as escheatment. Each quarter, we review your connected accounts and notify you of any that we deem to be inactive with balances eligible for escheatment.

As part of this process, we notify inactive connected accounts of any outstanding and unclaimed balances via physical mail, and attempt to pay out these balances to accounts that respond. If a connected account does not respond to our notification, we remit the outstanding balances to the appropriate US state.

Once we determine the number of inactive accounts that are in scope for an upcoming escheatment cycle, we provide you with a report of inactive accounts associated with your platform. We recommend that you review your inactive account list and request a correction from Stripe if you believe any of the accounts listed are active and should not have their funds remitted to the state. We aim to release inactive account reports 2-3 weeks ahead of the deadline to give you time to review the inactive accounts list, take proactive steps to reactivate those accounts or pay them out, or submit a correction request.

Learn more about unclaimed property, such as unclaimed balances, at Stripe below.