Tax ID Verification

Reverify tax ID information in the Stripe Dashboard

If you are being prompted to reverify or re-enter your tax ID information, you can do this in the Tax Details section of your Dashboard under Business Settings.

Reverifying or Re-entering Your Tax ID Information

  1. Log in to the Stripe Dashboard.

  1. Navigate to Settings (gearbox in the top right of the Dashboard), then scroll down to Business Settings and select Tax details
  1. Here you’ll be able to modify your Tax ID information including Type of Business, Legal Name, and Tax ID

Cannot verify tax ID number (TIN)

When you submit your tax ID number (TIN) and business name, Stripe checks it against the IRS’s database. If we do not receive a confirmation from the IRS that the legal name matches the TIN, we display an error message in your Dashboard requesting your corrected tax ID information

Additional Information