Information needed to open a Stripe account in Brazil

In order to open a Stripe account in Brazil, you will need to provide the following information:

Website No website yet? No problem! You can use your app store link or social media profile. More details on the required information here.
Tax ID A CPF or CNPJ number
Legal name Your entity (Pessoa Física or Jurídica). This information should match the tax ID provided and cannot be changed once verified. You must have a bank account associated to this entity to receive payouts successfully.
Business Address A business address in Brazil.
Support phone number Your main support phone number.
Description of your business Select your industry and provide a description to the best of your ability. This is only for Stripe internal purposes and is not being sent to any external regulatory or tax authority.
Business details For the Account Submission form of Sole Proprietorships (Pessoa Física) in Brazil, the CNPJ is optional. If you are a sole proprietorship and you don't have a company CNPJ, do not add your personal ID in the CNPJ field instead (this will lead to an error).
Representative details The legal representative of a Stripe account in Brazil must have a CPF and be resident in the country. The CPF is 
mandatory. The legal representative must be part of the Brazilian entity (Stripe Brazil’s client), be one of its executive officers  (elected as per the entity’s articles of association) or an attorney in fact appointed as per a valid power of attorney (also as determined under the entity’s articles of association). In any case, the legal representative must be resident in Brazil and 
must have a CPF.

Shareholders (i.e. additional owners, directors) can be non Brazilians — if they are non Brazilians but live in Brazil, they will have a CPF. If they are non Brazilians living abroad, they will need to add the details of a legal representative in Brazil, including their tax ID (CPF) and address (they must sign a power of attorney to the legal representative in Brazil).
Your details Details of the primary customer of Stripe in your company who owns more than 25% of the company, or is in a position to exercise significant control of the company’s finances and operations e.g. CFO, CEO, Director. Details include percent ownership, legal name, personal CPF number, date of birth and home (mailing) address. Depending on your company type, this may be a repeat of the company information. Also, whether there are other owners. Make sure you provide your CPF during the onboarding to prevent payouts being paused due to missing information.
Ownership details Percent ownership, name, CPF, date of birth and address of all other individuals who own more than 15% of the LLP / 25% of the company, or who are in a position to exercise significant control of the company’s finances and operations e.g. Director, CFO, CEO, other financial officers. Not applicable for individual/sole proprietorship accounts (Pessoa Física).
Bank account A Brazilian-based bank account, BRL denominated and associated to the tax ID (CPF or CNPJ) registered in your Stripe account.

If you have any questions, please reach out to us.