Getting started with Stripe: fraud and disputes

If you're a business that uses Stripe through a partner platform, extension or a plugin, this video guide will demonstrate how to protect your business against fraud and disputes, as well as how best to respond to disputes if they occur.

Explore other guides in the series

  1. Getting started with Stripe: Plan your Stripe account
  2. Getting started with Stripe: Create or connect an account
  3. Getting started with Stripe: Explore Stripe
  4. Getting started with Stripe: Payments and payouts
  5. Getting started with Stripe: Financial reports
  6. Getting started with Stripe: Fraud and disputes

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An introduction to fraud and disputes

If you accept credit cards on your site or in your shop, you'll probably have to handle chargebacks or inquiries. When a customer has an issue with a credit card charge, they can dispute it with their bank. The bank will initiate a dispute, either with an inquiry or a chargeback. Learn what these terms mean, how they differ and how banks and other payment systems initiate disputes.


Chargeback and inquiry lifecycle

Disputes work differently across card and payment networks, but typically follow similar patterns. The dispute process involves multiple parties and many steps. This video walks you through each process and how and when you should submit evidence.


Customer communication

Many inquiries and chargebacks are the result of the cardholder not recognising the transaction or not recognising your business. This video outlines best practices surrounding customer communication and refund policies.


Early fraud warnings

Early fraud warnings are notices that are generated to flag payments which are suspected to be fraudulent. An early fraud warning is created when a cardholder lodges a claim of fraud with their issuing bank, and is flagged before an official chargeback occurs. This video shows you how to review early fraud warnings in the Stripe Dashboard and how to respond effectively.

Note: In certain – comparatively rare – situations, Stripe may refund a payment proactively if you receive an early fraud warning on it. These situations include, but are not limited to, your business being domiciled in a high-dispute country or your business trending towards being identified in a card monitoring programme (see next section).


Card monitoring programmes

As part of your financial obligations to the card networks, you must ensure that disputes and fraud are kept at acceptable levels. If these exceed the thresholds dictated by each network (e.g. Visa or Mastercard), you'll be placed into one of their monitoring programmes. Once part of a programme, you could incur monthly fines and additional fees until you have reduced your dispute or fraud levels.

This video walks you through how card monitoring programmes work and how Stripe can help you manage the process if your business is flagged in a monitoring programme.


Radar for fraud prevention

Stripe Radar is a suite of modern tools to help you fight fraud. It's fully integrated into your payment flow and you can start using it without any additional development time or cost. This video outlines Stripe Radar's features and benefits, as well as how risk levels are communicated to you.


Radar for Fraud Teams

Stripe's advanced fraud tool, Radar for Fraud Teams, is an add-on suite of tools that has been designed for fraud professionals or any business that is experiencing high levels of risk. This video demonstrates how to use Radar for Fraud Teams in the Stripe Dashboard.


Disputes in the Stripe Dashboard

Learn how to locate and respond to disputes in the Stripe Dashboard.

Dispute types

Disputes fall into eight categories. There are different recommendations for how to respond to each category and what evidence you should provide based on the dispute reason. This video also introduces evidence labelled as "compelling evidence" and how to submit compelling evidence.


Dispute best practices

When a customer opens a dispute with their bank (the issuing bank), the bank will notify Stripe and Stripe will notify you. As the merchant, you must provide certain evidence. This video tells you about the best practices surrounding evidence submission.


Dispute testing

Learn how to test a dispute handling flow by creating a "test mode" dispute and responding to it in the Stripe Dashboard.


Explore other guides in the series

  1. Getting started with Stripe: Plan your Stripe account
  2. Getting started with Stripe: Create or connect an account
  3. Getting started with Stripe: Explore Stripe
  4. Getting started with Stripe: Payments and payouts
  5. Getting started with Stripe: Financial reports
  6. Getting started with Stripe: Fraud and disputes