Changing the account representative for an Express account

Express accounts with the `company` legal entity must collect information about all owners with 25% or more ownership of the company. Express accounts can update their account ownership by replacing the listed account representative with another listed owner.

Removing the current account representative in the Express Dashboard

  1. Click on Account (person icon) in the top-right corner of the dashboard.
  2. Scroll down to the Platform details section to select the relevant account.
  3. Click on the Update icon under the Management and Ownership section.
  4. In the Additional information page, click on the Edit icon for the account representative.
  5. In the Edit individual page, select Remove as account representative.
  6. Confirm that you’d like to remove the user as the representative. Doing so will require that your organization verify a new representative within 7 days, otherwise payouts may be paused.
  7. If you’d like to remove the person who was previously the account representative, select the Remove person button.

Adding the account representative

  1. Click on Account (person icon) in the top-right corner of the dashboard.
  2. Scroll down to the Platform details section to select the relevant account.
  3. Under the Management and Ownership section, select the Add button.
  4. Select an existing person or add a new person as the account representative.

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