Stripe has updated our Connected Account Agreement, incorporating our Stripe Services Agreement and related terms which apply to the use of specific Stripe products in the US, UK, European Economic Area (EEA), and Switzerland. More information on these changes, including a summary of the most notable changes and when they take effect, is outlined below.
For some Stripe users who received a message linking to this article, the updated terms went into effect April 30, 2024.
Why did I get this notice?
When we update these legal terms, we’re required to send a legal notice to all affected Stripe users, including those who use Stripe through another Platform (even if you have unsubscribed from our marketing messages).
Do I need to take action?
If you are happy to agree to the updated terms, you don’t need to take any action. If you do not agree with the new terms, you must contact your Platform to learn how you can stop using Stripe’s services as part of your Platform’s services before the terms take effect.
What is changing?
Some of the most notable changes include:
- Data Processing Agreement. Stripe is certified under the EU-US Data Privacy Framework (EU-US DPF). We’ve updated our Data Processing Agreement (DPA) to reflect our adoption of the EU-US DPF and the UK Extension to the EU-US DPF. Provisions relating to the lawful transfer of personal data from the EEA, the UK and Switzerland to the US are now located in the Data Transfer Addendum. Finally, we’ve provided greater clarity on our processing activities as a data controller to assist you with your transparency obligations. You can learn more about Stripe’s data processing activities by reading the DPA and by visiting the Stripe Privacy Policy and Stripe Privacy Center.
- Stripe Payments Services Terms. We’ve provided more clarity on your responsibilities to Stripe’s financial partners, including the Card Networks and Stripe’s BIN sponsors in the US, and how we hold funds before making payouts to you. We’ve also added more information to our US terms about your responsibilities when using Stripe for MOTO (mail order or over the telephone) transactions and merchant initiated transactions.
- Stripe Connect Services Terms and Connected Account Agreement. We’ve clarified the obligations on Connect Platforms in the US with respect to their Payout Recipients, provided more transparency around how Stripe issues Tax Information Reports for Connected Accounts, and added more information on our respective data use rights and obligations, including how we share and use data of Connected Accounts. In our Connected Account Agreement in the UK, EEA and Switzerland, we’ve made it easier to understand the roles played by the relevant Stripe entities.
- Stripe Issuing Terms. We’ve updated the Stripe Issuing Platform Terms in the US to account for new obligations and restrictions that Regulation Z imposes on platforms that make Stripe Issuing Services available to their users. We’ve also updated the Stripe Issuing Accountholder Terms and Stripe Issuing Platform Terms in the UK, EEA, and Switzerland to further clarify each party’s roles and responsibilities, including in relation to disputed transactions.
- Stripe’s Terminal - Platform Services Terms. Our updates enable Platforms to offer Tap to Pay on iPhone to their connected accounts in Australia, the US, and the UK. As Tap to Pay on iPhone is a new service, the applicable terms take effect immediately.
Financial Partner Terms
US Acquirer Terms
We’ve added Goldman Sachs as an additional acquiring bank for Visa and Mastercard transactions in the US, and the Goldman Sachs Acquirer Terms apply to the services provided to you in partnership with Goldman Sachs. Our acquiring bank partners allow Stripe to connect to the Visa and Mastercard networks and process your Visa and Mastercard transactions. Goldman Sachs will supplement our existing acquiring bank partners in the US.
Does this update affect other terms I have agreed to with Stripe?
You can find our updated terms which are labeled as “Last updated: December 15, 2023” at If you have agreed to other terms with Stripe for the use of a Stripe Service which take precedence over these online terms, those other terms are unaffected by this change.
Where can I see the prior version of these terms?
See the prior version of the Stripe Services Agreement for the US, EEA, and for the UK and Switzerland.