Documents for business verification of Unincorporated Entities, Partnerships, or Non-profits

While Stripe can verify most business entities programatically, Stripe will always need to collect additional documentation in order to verify Unincorporated Entities, Partnerships and Non-Profits.

For the US, please refer to Tax ID verification guidelines by business type in the US.


All document types per country listed in Acceptable verification documents can be uploaded via your Dashboard in order to verify your Unincorporated Entity, Partnership or Non-Profit.

There are also country-specific Unincorporated Entity/Partnership/Non-Profit documents that can be considered, below is a non-exhaustive list:

Country Description
Austria Justiz Extract
Austria Vereinsregister Extract
Belgium Copie à publier aux annexes au Moniteur belge
Canada Documents that you can rely on to confirm the existence of an entity other than a corporation:
• a partnership agreement
• articles of association
• any other similar record that confirms the existence of the entity
• letter or notice of assessment from a municipal, provincial, territorial or federal government
France URSSAF Extract
SIRENE Extract
Germany Gewerbe-Anmeldung (GewA 1)
Italy Agenzia Entrate Certificato di Attribuzione del Codice Fiscale
Portugal Instituto dos Registos e Notariado (IRN) card or extract

If none of the document types listed in Acceptable verification documents by country are available for your Unincorporated Entity, Partnership or Non-Profit, Stripe will need you to instead provide a document that contains the name and address of your Unincorporated Entity, Partnership or Non-Profit among the following:

  • Non-Profit establishment document

  • Partnerships registration document (e.g. GewA1)

  • Government issued document (e.g. document evidencing tax-exempt status)

  • Bank statement

  • Utility bill


Due to the highly sensitive nature of your verification documents, Stripe can only accept documents which are uploaded through the Dashboard. Documents must not be sent through email.

You can upload your document in your Dashboard under Proof of Business upload.


In some countries, the possibility to onboard as a Non-Profit is not available in onboarding forms or in the Tax information page of your Dashboard. In these cases, you can onboard with either company (if incorporated) or individual (if not incorporated).

In cases where your Unincorporated Entity, Partnership or Non-Profit does not have a tax ID, another ID number identifying your legal entity appearing on your uploaded verification documents can be considered such as a Charity Registration Number.

For Australia and New Zealand, a Business Registration Number (ABN) is typically required for Unincorporated Entities, including Non-Profits.

If no other IDs are available, zero-fill the tax ID field in the Dashboard under Tax information page of your Dashboard.

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