Stripe Express
Where can I find my invite for setting up e-delivery?

Check your inbox and spam folder for an email titled “Action required to receive your 2024 tax forms”. This is your invite to setup your Stripe Express account and opt in to e-delivery.

If you've met the 1099 income threshold for the calendar year and your platform is using Stripe Express for e-delivery, you should receive an email with an invite.

If you cannot find your invite email you can request a new link be sent. If you need to update your email address, please coordinate with your platform to ensure your email address is up-to-date. Once your email is updated, you can have your platform send you a new invitation or request a fresh link.

See When will I receive my 1099 tax form? to learn more about timelines.

If you requested a login link, checked your inbox and spam, and still can’t find your invite, you’ll need to reach out to your platform for assistance.

This article is neither legal advice nor tax advice. We recommend that you speak to your tax advisor with any questions or concerns around tax reporting.