Information required on your business website to process payments

Your platform partners with Stripe for secure payments.

To process payments with Stripe, your business website must include (at a minimum):

  • Complete description of the goods or services offered
  • Transaction currency
  • Customer service contact details (phone, email, address)
  • Return/refund and shipping policies (if shipping physical goods)
  • Legal or export restrictions (if applicable)
  • Consumer data privacy policy
  • Terms and conditions of any promotions
  • Security capabilities and policy for transmission of payment card details

Additional Information

  • These items are required by Stripe’s terms of service, as well as those of card networks such as Visa and Mastercard.
  • If you are using a social media website, please provide the full URL and not the social media handle.
  • If you do not have a website or presence on the web that shows what you are accepting money for, contact support for alternative ways to verify your business information.