Where is my customer's refund?

Refunds can take up to 10 business days to show up in a customer’s account.

Find the refund status of a specific transaction on the Transaction page and Payments tabs of the Dashboard.

Reasons a refund might not have appeared after 10 business days:


A reversal can occur if a refund is submitted soon after the original charge. This means the original charge will drop off the bank statement as if it never occurred, and the bank account balance adjusts to credit that money back without a specific line item on the statement.

Partial reversal

A partial refund made soon after the original charge can be processed as a partial reversal. The original charge will be replaced with a lower amount on the customer’s bank statement instead of a separate line item refund.

Pending refund

If your balance doesn’t have sufficient funds to cover the refund, the refund's status will be Pending. Learn how to fix the negative balance on your account.

Still not seeing the refund?

If your customer doesn't see a credit or adjustment and they still see the original charge after 10 business days, they should reach out to their bank for more information.

For card refunds, you can provide them with ARNs or STANs to share with their bank for tracing purposes.