If you have a US account and your business type is: Individual, Sole proprietor or Single membership LLC, we are required to collect your full personal tax ID - SSN or ITIN. If you do not have one of those, we may prompt you to enter your nationality.
The nationality field is your country of citizenship. This should only be completed if you don't have an SSN.
You can fill your SSN or pick your nationality here.
If you are a US citizen or national (or your are a US citizen with an additional citizenship):
Click the pencil in the top right of the individual info box to edit
Leave the nationality field empty
Enter your SSN
If you’re not a US citizen and do not have an SSN or ITIN:
Click the pencil in the top right of the individual info box to edit
Change the nationality field
Leave the SSN field empty
This will prompt for your EIN later