Transaction Purpose Code for Stripe Account in India

During your onboarding process to accept international payments, you will find an options to choose a transaction purpose code. Stripe has a list of supportable transaction purpose codes from our banking partner that you may choose from; there may be selected transaction purpose codes within the list that will require additional verification to ensure compliance to the regulatory guidelines.

Stripe will evaluate the suitability of your selected transaction purpose code against your business’ goods and/or services if you have opted in for International Payments. In the event it is determined that your originally selected transaction purpose code may not be sufficiently representative of your goods and/or services, you may be required to reevaluate your selected transaction purpose code and perform the necessary updates or verifications. You may update your transaction purpose code at any time through the dashboard.

  1. Click the settings icon on the top right corner of your dashboard
  2. Choose 'International' under Business Settings, and click export related info
  3. Update your transactions purpose code
  4. Click continue and submit

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* Users with legal entity = Individual won't be able to see this option in their account as accepting international payments is unsupportable for individual user.

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