Stripe updated our Stripe Services Agreement which applies to the use of Stripe services in Canada (on October 30, 2024), and in Australia, the European Economic Area, Gibraltar, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Singapore, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States (on November 11, 2024) (the “Relevant Territories”). As part of this update, we also updated the Stripe Connected Account Agreement (applicable to connected accounts). You can find a summary of the most notable changes, when those changes take effect, and more information below.
When do the updated terms apply?
The updated terms take effect immediately for new users in the Relevant Territories who sign up on or after the above dates.
For existing Stripe users as of the above dates in the Relevant Territories, the updated terms will take effect on February 1, 2025 (except for Custom or Express connected accounts and other connected accounts without access to a Stripe Dashboard, for whom the updated terms will take effect on March 1, 2025).
What is changing?
The most notable changes to the terms in the Relevant Territories are summarized here:
- United States
- Canada
- Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Singapore
- EEA, United Kingdom, Gibraltar, Switzerland
What if I don’t want to agree to the updated terms?
If you do not agree to the updated terms, you will need to stop using Stripe services and close your Stripe account before these terms become effective. If you have a Stripe Dashboard, you can close your account by following these instructions. If your Stripe account is integrated with a Stripe Connect Platform and you don’t have a Stripe Dashboard, you must contact your Stripe Connect Platform to close your account. Your use of the Stripe services after the applicable effective date will be subject to the updated terms.
Do I need to take action to accept the updated terms?
You don’t need to take any action to accept the new terms. Connect Platform users with Custom or Express connected accounts and other connected accounts without access to a Stripe Dashboard should follow the guidance below to notify their connected accounts.
I’m a Connect Platform User with Custom or Express Connected Accounts, or with Connected Accounts without access to a Stripe Dashboard. What do I need to do?
You are responsible for notifying your Custom and Express connected accounts and your other connected accounts without access to a Stripe Dashboard of the updated terms by December 31, 2024. We suggest you use your usual method of updating your connected accounts about important changes (for example, by email). We recommend you send those connected accounts in the Relevant Territories a notice that includes the following information:
Stripe is updating its legal terms. You can read the Connected Account Agreement (incorporating the Stripe Services Agreement) here. The updates to the terms will take effect on March 1, 2025. No action is needed from you, but by continuing to use Stripe’s services on or after that date, you are agreeing to these updated terms.
If you use Connect but have no Custom or Express connected accounts or other connected accounts without access to a Stripe Dashboard, we’ve handled the communication for you by letting affected connected accounts know about the changes.
Connect Platforms based outside the Relevant Territories:
The updated terms do not apply to your use of Stripe (and your existing terms with Stripe remain applicable), but you are responsible for notifying your connected accounts in the Relevant Territories of the updated terms as mentioned above.
Why did I get this notice?
When we update our legal terms, we’re required to send a legal notice to all affected Stripe users — even if you have unsubscribed from our marketing messages. As a Stripe user, you can’t unsubscribe from legal notices.
Does this update affect other terms I have agreed to with Stripe?
You can find our updated terms which are labeled with their most recent update date at If you have agreed to other terms with Stripe for the use of Stripe services that take precedence over these online terms, those other terms are unaffected by this change.
Where can I see the prior versions of these terms?
The prior versions of the terms for the Relevant Territories can be found here.