Stripe Connector for NetSuite Troubleshooting Guide

Stripe Connector for Netsuite is a Stripe-owned connector between Stripe and NetSuite. The purpose of the connector is to sync records from Stripe to NetSuite and add payment pages to NetSuite records. If there is a breakdown in this process, the source of the issue could be NetSuite, Stripe, the connector, or how the different elements interact with each other.

  1. If you do not see a record in Netsuite that should have synced from Stripe to Netsuite via the connector, the first step would be to check the connector sync records drawer in the Stripe dashboard.
    1. In order to view the connector synced records, you must have administrator permissions in Stripe.
      1. If you are not a team member, then an existing team member will have to add you to the Stripe account.
      2. If you are not an administrator, your role can be edited in the dashboard.
    2. Once you are an administrator in Stripe, you can view the Stripe Connector for NetSuite dashboard. Note that this dashboard is the legacy connector dashboard login, formerly known as SuiteSync. If you are using the latest connector, you're dashboard is integrated into the Stripe dashboard as a Stripe app.
  2. Now that you are logged into your dashboard, you can look for relevant Stripe objects or NetSuite records in the upper right search bar using the Stripe ID or the record's NetSuite internal ID.
    1. Not every Stripe object type is represented in NetSuite. If the Stripe object is not one of the listed, then search for a related object in the SCN dashboard.
    2. If you receive an “Application error message” then the request has timed out and most likely the record or object is not synced to the SCN or your connector has a high volume of records and requiers the search to be retried.
    3. If you are not able to find the initial record you are searching for, search for related NetSuite records in the SCN dashboard. For example, if you are looking for a NetSuite invoice record, search for the NetSuite customer record in the SCN dashboard.
    4. If after these steps, you are not able to find the record you are looking for in the SCN dashboard, you can reach out to Stripe support to manually link the record to a Stripe object.
  3. Once you have the record that you are looking for click to review the current status.
  4. If the record has a “How to fix this error” section, review the steps listed in the SCN dashboard and take action.
  5. If you are not able to resolve the error message on your own, first work with your NetSuite administrator who is familiar with your organization’s set up. NetSuite as a product is highly customizable and your NetSuite administrator is more likely to have in-depth knowledge of your integration.
  6. If you or your NetSuite administrator is not able to resolve the issue, reach out to SCN support by logging into your Stripe dashboard and creating a support request.

Please keep in mind there are some issues that are NetSuite specific and SCN support cannot resolve. If so, we may direct you to NetSuite to resolve the error.

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