Invite team members or developers to access your Stripe account

To add a new team member, log into the Stripe dashboard, navigate to Business Settings > Team > + New member to invite them via email.

To add a new team member:

  1. Log into the Stripe dashboard and navigate to Business Settings.
  2. Click Team.
  3. Select + New Member from the top right.
  4. Add the email address(es) of the team member(s) to invite to the Stripe account.
  5. Note: Only one user role can be selected at a time, so when adding multiple email addresses, make sure all team members listed should all have the same user role/permission. To assign different user roles to different team members, repeat the process to select the appropriate role for each one.
  6. Select the role for the individual team member. Roles determine account permissions for the team member, and more information about each role’s permissions can be found here.
  7. Click Invite to send the invitation email.

If the team member does not have a Stripe login yet, they will be invited to create one and then can access the account. If they have an existing account, they will be prompted to log into Stripe and can then switch between accounts.