Removing support for Internet Explorer 11 on Stripe.js

From June 26, 2023, Stripe will no longer support payment processing on Internet Explorer 11 (IE11) or other legacy browsers. This means that customers who visit your site using IE11 or other legacy browsers will no longer be able to check out or pay using Stripe. For reference, IE11 represents less than 1% of all internet usage today.

The Stripe.js script should continue to load in deprecated browsers, but will not accept payments. The UI and web consoles may indicate that certain browsers are no longer supported. In the future, behavior in these browsers may change without further notice.

What can I do for customers who visit my website using legacy browsers?

After we stop supporting legacy browsers and browser versions on June 26, 2023, you may see an increase in JavaScript errors in your integration. We recommend the following steps:

  1. Ask IE11 users to upgrade: Add your website to the IE Compatibility List hosted by Microsoft. Once added to the list, Internet Explorer users who go to websites that are incompatible with Internet Explorer will be automatically redirected to Microsoft Edge.
  2. Verify you and your customers are up to date: Verify that you and your customers don’t depend on unsupported browsers and browser versions as described in the Stripe.js browser support docs.

Why is Stripe no longer supporting IE11?

Microsoft is no longer supporting IE11 and is permanently disabling IE11 for certain customers in 2023. While we expect IE11 traffic to decrease over time, we still recommend taking action to ensure that these customers can continue to check out on your site.

Why is Stripe no longer supporting older browsers?

Like IE11, the oldest versions of browsers like Chrome and Firefox do not get security updates and are missing critical features which enable us to build modern payment experiences. You should ensure that you and your customers run recent browser versions for the best support. For those running on the oldest devices, maintaining compatibility may require newer hardware.