How to refund a customer
You can refund non-disputed payments to customers directly from the Payments overview page in the Dashboard or using the Stripe API. The default refund amount is the full charge amount, but you can provide an amount different than the full charge to process a partial refund.
You can refund non-disputed payments to your customers using the Stripe API or directly from the Dashboard.
From the Dashboard
- Find the charge to be refunded in the Payments overview page.
- Click the ••• icon to the right of the charge and select Refund charge.
Click on the charge and click the Refund button on the top right corner of the payment page.
- Enter the amount to be refunded. The default is a full refund. For a partial refund, enter a different amount to be refunded.
- Select a reason for the refund. If you select Other, you must provide an explanatory note that is attached to the refund.
- Click Refund.
Using the Stripe API
Create a create_refund call in the API.
- In the API call, include the charge ID to refund.
- To refund an amount different than the full charge amount, include the amount parameter and enter the amount to refund. If no amount is entered, the default action will be a refund of the full charge amount.
- Run the API call.
Additional Information
- You can use test mode to try creating refunds before actioning on the live charges. Actions taken in test mode use the test API key, which means no real transactions are processed, not changes made to your actual customers.
- Stripe Fees Not Returned When Refunding Customer
- Canceling a Refund
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