Partner-Based Brazil Anticipations

This is an Invite-Only feature. To request access to Partner-Based Anticipations, contact your Account Executive.


Partner-based Anticipations is a feature that allows you to receive faster payouts from your credit card transactions in Brazil. With anticipations, you can receive payouts within one business day, compared to our standard payout time of 30 days.

Anticipations is enabled through a partnership with a Brazilian fund manager. To get started, register your business via the dedicated Stripe registration page on the Partner's Anticipation Portal.

In compliance with Brazilian Central Bank regulations, Stripe registers all domestic card transactions and is certified with one of the four main receivables registration organizations (in our case, CERC). As a result, Stripe users are able to Anticipate their receivables with third parties (such as the Partner), with such activity becoming visible in the Stripe dashboard and reporting.

Features of Partner Anticipations Portal

Anticipations through the Partner must be requested in the Portal and net proceeds from Anticipations will be settled to the user’s (or Connected Accounts’) payout account in Brazil.

Spot Anticipations

Automatic Anticipations

  • Users will have access to their Receivables Agenda and can manually select the amount they wish to Anticipate with the Partner.
  • Pricing for Spot anticipations will be displayed in the Portal at the time of the request.
  • Anticipation requests are expected to settle within 1 business day.
  • Users will be able to request to automatically anticipate any portion of their receivables agenda with the Partner.
  • Pricing for Automatic anticipations will be set at prevailing Spot anticipation rates established by the Partner.
  • Users can select to get settlements from Automatic Anticipations every business day or weekly.


  • Pricing for anticipations will be provided in the Partner’s Anticipation Portal.
  • The Partner may change pricing at any time. Stripe has no influence over the terms and conditions set by the Partner for the Anticipations.

Reporting & Stripe Dashboard Reconciliation

  • The Partner's Anticipations Portal will keep records of Anticipation activities requested by the user. On the Anticipations Portal, look for the left menu Anticipations > Reporting)
  • Anticipation activity in the Anticipations Portal will automatically appear in the Stripe Dashboard, as well as in the Card Receivables and Contracts Reports, within a few hours.
  • Transactions anticipated with the Partner will be deducted from the merchant's Stripe balance with the description in the Dashboard as "obligation for receivable unit received". More information about balance transaction types.

Eligible Receivables for Anticipation

  • Credit Card Sales at least 1 (one) day old.
  • The Partner will be responsible for determining limits (i.e., what % eligible sales can be anticipated) by the user.
  • In addition to Stripe, the Partner may be able to offer anticipation of user receivables with other Brazilian payment processors.

Eligible users & Anticipation Funds Settlement

All Stripe users in Brazil may be eligible to anticipate their receivables, and the financial settlement of the Anticipation will be defined by who is the party that is the beneficiary of the Receivable.

Therefore, Direct users, Platforms and Connected Accounts can onboard and request advances for themselves. Additionally, under the terms of Connect, Platforms can request advances on behalf of their Connected Accounts (CAs).

Important: The Partner will be responsible for setting anticipation limits for all users.

Direct Account, Connect Platforms, and connected accounts

Connect Platforms acting on behalf of a CA

Anticipation Funds Settlement

User’s payout bank account

Platform or CA payout bank accounts, in proportion of their splits.

Partner Anticipations Portal Onboarding Instructions

  1. Log in to the Partner Portal.
  2. Enter email and desired password.
  3. Enter user (merchant/corporate name and Brazilian Tax ID - CNPJ) and Manager credentials (name and Brazilian Personal Tax ID - CPF).
  4. The Manager (person operating on the Partner Anticipations Portal) must be an individual with powers to sign on behalf of the Merchant.
  5. Enter bank account details where Anticipation funding must be settled to; Such bank account must have same ownership as the user (merchant).

In order for the user to be able to see the receivables agenda in the Partner Portal, the Tax ID (CNPJ) of the Merchant that has been registered on their Stripe Account must be be the same as the Tax ID indicated in the Partner’s Portal.

Direct Account, Connect platforms, and connected accounts (“CA”)

Connect Platforms acting on behalf of the CA

  • Enter merchant details
  • Enter Platform credentials
  • To onboard connected accounts from the left sidebar menu go to Merchants > Merchants > then on the page scroll down for “Add new Merchant”
  1. You will receive via email an Assignment Agreement - the document which will rule all assignments to the Partner. Read the document carefully so that you understand all terms and conditions agreed between You and the Partner. You will be prompted to sign the document, take a selfie with your mobile device and take a picture of a personal identification document (e.g., Brazil Drivers’ License).
  2. Once Onboarding is complete, go to “Operations” where you will be able to see your Receivable Agenda.

Stripe is not the entity offering the anticipation. The Partner is solely responsible for providing anticipations via the Partner Anticipations Portal. If you agree with the terms and conditions established by the Partner to obtain an anticipation, you will enter into a contractual relationship for anticipations of receivables with the partner only and not with Stripe. Stripe is not liable or responsible to you in any aspect regarding your contractual relationship with the Partner, should you decide to agree with the Partner's terms and conditions. The Partner’s privacy policy and how your information is used by the Partner can be found on their website.

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