Moving to Invite Only in India

Moving to Invite Only in India

Starting in May 2024, Stripe services will be invite only in India. This means that businesses from India will not be able to sign up for a new Stripe account through our website, and will instead need to request an invite. We will only be able to support a select number of businesses, with a focus on international expansion, for the time being.

The regulatory landscape in India continues to evolve, and our goal is to offer the same experience in India that we aspire to offer to all our users worldwide. For example, enabling all new users to launch quickly with easy onboarding is a fundamental Stripe feature that we cannot promise in India today.

We remain strongly committed to India, and are working to build out the infrastructure to be able to support more users by the second half of 2025. We’ll continue to share updates on this page as we have more information available.


I’m new to Stripe. How can I request an invite?

Please reach out to us through this link. Currently, we’re only able to support a select number of businesses, with a focus on international expansion. We apologise if we’re not able to serve your business at this time.  

I’m a current Stripe user in India. How am I affected?

Currently active Stripe accounts in India will continue to be supported. However, if you wish to create a new Stripe India account, you will need to reach out to your Stripe account team or request an invite.

For Platforms using Stripe in India, we will support the addition of new connected accounts by invite only.

I’m currently on the waitlist to use Stripe in India. How am I affected?

If you have signed up to a Stripe India account that has not yet been activated, we’re unfortunately unable to activate your account at this time. We understand this will be disappointing to those who have been waiting to use Stripe in India, and we apologise for not being able to serve you at this time. We will notify you via email when we’re able to activate your account.