In order to do compliant business in certain jurisdictions, merchants are required to display their tax ID (e.g., VAT, GST, ABN) on their invoices.
In some cases, e.g., when doing international business, they may need to display more than one tax ID.
You can configure your account tax IDs that will appear on Invoice PDFs, including optionally setting one as default. Invoices can now specify one or more tax IDs to appear on it (maximum of 10).
Setting different tax IDs on individual Invoices can be done in the Dashboard.
Remember, once an Invoice has been finalized, you cannot change the account tax IDs that are associated with it.
For information on automatically collecting taxes on Stripe transactions, check out Stripe Tax
Adding and managing account tax IDs
In the Dashboard, visit Settings. Under “Billing” in “Product Settings”, click on “Invoice Template.”
Scroll down to the “Manage tax information” section to add a new tax ID or remove an existing tax ID:
After a new tax ID is saved, click the “more” menu and select “Copy object id” to use it in the API.
Setting a default tax ID
As above, visit Settings. Under “Billing” in “Product Settings”, click on “Invoice Template.” Scroll down to “Manage tax information” and locate the tax ID you want to set as the default. Click the “more” menu and select “Set as default.”
Once a tax ID is set at the default, a label will be visible in the tax information box:
Specifying multiple tax IDs on an Invoice PDF
You can set a list of tax IDs in the Dashboard using the Invoice editor or using the API.
Remember: account tax IDs cannot be modified once an Invoice has been finalized.
In the Dashboard
In the Invoice Editor, scroll down to the “Advanced Options” section and toggle it open. Click the checkboxes to toggle which tax IDs will be displayed on that Invoice.
Using the API
After a tax ID has been added to the account, you can use the API to specify up to 10 tax IDs for an individual Invoice. Account tax IDs can be added to an Invoice on create or update by passing a list of object IDs to the account_tax_ids parameter.
Invoice create
$ curl \ -u sk_test_key: \ -d customer=cus_xxxxxx -d account_tax_ids[0]=atxi_11111 -d account_tax_ids[1]=atxi_22222
Invoice update
-u sk_test_key: \ -d account_tax_ids[0]=atxi_11111 -d account_tax_ids[1]=atxi_22222
Removing tax IDs from an Invoice PDF
If you’d like to remove either the default tax ID or a list of specific tax IDs on an Invoice, you can do so with the Dashboard or API.
Remember: account tax IDs cannot be modified once an Invoice has been finalized.
In the Dashboard
Tax IDs are removed under “Advanced Options” in the Invoice Editor. Uncheck the box to remove tax ID from the Invoice.
Using the API
To remove a specified list of tax IDs and go back to displaying the default tax ID, you must pass the default tax object ID:
$ curl \ -u sk_test_key: \ -d account_tax_ids[0]=atxi_11111
To remove all tax IDs, including the default tax ID, and display no tax IDs on the Invoice:
$ curl \ -u sk_test_key: \ -d account_tax_ids=’'