As a Connect platform, you may need to update your Stripe Invoicing configuration for your connected accounts that do not have access to the full Stripe Dashboard (including any Platform-loss liable connected accounts) as part of the requirements for Japan's Qualified Invoicing System. Please check with your tax or legal advisors to see if these changes apply to your platform and connected accounts.
Note: Connected accounts with access to the full Stripe Dashboard can directly make necessary changes there. Steps can be found here.
In the event your connected account’s invoices need to show details such as tax registration ID, business details and tax rounding logic, please reach out to us to request feature access to the configurations below and then implement the following steps.
Displaying connected account business details on your invoices
To render your connected accounts tax IDs and business name on the invoice email, invoice PDF, Hosted invoice page, and invoice receipt:
- Create tax IDs for your connected account.
- Set default tax IDs for your connected account.
- Set issuer on existing or new invoices, subscriptions, and subscription schedules as the connected account, or alternatively, use the on_behalf_of parameter
1. Create tax IDs for your connected account
The following example creates a single tax ID for the connected account. To create additional tax IDs, call the endpoint again.
curl \ -u "sk_test_09l3shTSTKHYCzzZZsiLl2vA:" \ -H "Stripe-Account: {{CONNECTED_ACCOUNT_ID}}" \ -d type=jp_trn \ -d value=T1234567891234
2. Set default tax IDs for your connected account
Stripe automatically pulls default tax IDs from the invoice issuer’s account during finalization unless account_tax_ids is already set on the invoices.
curl{{CONNECTED_ACCOUNT_ID}} \ -u "sk_test_09l3shTSTKHYCzzZZsiLl2vA:" \ -d "settings[invoices][default_account_tax_ids][0]"=atxi_123 \ -d "settings[invoices][default_account_tax_ids][1]"=atxi_456
3. Set issuer on existing or new invoices, subscriptions, and subscription schedules as the connected account
The following example sets issuer on an existing subscription. During invoice finalization, subscription invoices pull in the issuer’s default tax IDs:
curl{{SUBSCRIPTION_ID}} \ -u "sk_test_09l3shTSTKHYCzzZZsiLl2vA:" \ -d "invoice_settings[issuer][type]"=account \ -d "invoice_settings[issuer][account]"={{CONNECTED_ACCOUNT_ID}}
The following example sets issuer during invoice creation:
curl \ -u "sk_test_09l3shTSTKHYCzzZZsiLl2vA:" \ -d customer={{CUSTOMER_ID}} \ -d "issuer[type]"=account \ -d "issuer[account]"="{{CONNECTED_ACCOUNT_ID}}" \ -d "transfer_data[destination]"="{{CONNECTED_ACCOUNT_ID}}"
Alternatively, the on_behalf_of parameter will also print a connected account’s details on the invoice email, invoice PDF, Hosted invoice page, and invoice receipt.
Ensure correct rounding rules for manual taxes
If you are using manual tax rates as opposed to Stripe automatic taxes, you will need to ensure tax amounts are rounded at the subtotal (rather than the line item level). You can toggle this configuration under your invoice settings. Note that this change will apply to all invoices created by your platform across your connected accounts.
Additional information
For more information about the qualified invoice system in Japan with Stripe Invoicing and Stripe Billing Product, see: