How to access and review your inactive account report

Who can access

Admin and Tax Analyst roles are needed to access the report in the Unclaimed Balances tab.

How to access

We'll send an email to all users with Admin and Tax Analyst roles informing you that you have inactive accounts with unclaimed balances in scope for the upcoming escheatment cycle. You can access the latest inactive accounts report by going to the Settings page, navigating to the Compliance and documents section, and clicking on the Unclaimed Balances tab.

To download the most current report, click Download latest report. The naming convention will indicate the quarter that the report relates to (for example, “Unclaimed balances report 2024 Q3”).

Note - Stripe may send you an updated inactive account report during active escheatment cycles - see this article for more information.

How to review

The reports will be available for download in .csv format. We recommend reviewing the report to confirm whether you agree with the information. Some checks you might want to perform include reviewing whether:

  • the users listed had any activity with you (e.g., they wrote into support, logged into your dashboard, reached out to you in any other capacity)
  • the balances shown are accurate
  • you have identified the account as fraudulent
  • you have a compliance hold on the account

Inactive Account Report Fields & Definitions

Screenshot 2024-08-26 at 11.15.53 AM.png

Inactive Account Report Unclaimed Balance Statuses

Screenshot 2024-08-26 at 11.16.10 AM.png

If you have reviewed the inactive account list and agree with the information in the report, there is no further action needed from your side. However, if you don't agree with the information in the report, you can request corrections.

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