Get risk-related requirements for connected accounts via API

All platforms have consistent insight into risk-related requirements associated with your connected accounts via webhook events in the Accounts API. You can listen for and programmatically manage all compliance and risk-related requirements using the API, including terms of service requests and pending account closures. See the API docs for more details.

What does this change mean for you?

You’ll need to ensure that any notifications you send to your customers (email, push) triggered by account.updated webhook events for new risk requirements direct your connected account to the appropriate Stripe UI or component to resolve. You can continue to remediate compliance requirements via API response.

For new risk requirements, utilize one of the remediation paths below:

Connect embedded components: Embed Connect components directly into your website. When a requirement surfaces, direct your users to the account onboarding embedded component, where they’re prompted to complete any outstanding requirements directly in your UI. Alternatively, use the Notification banner embedded component to prompt your users.

Stripe hosted onboarding: Generate links to direct your connected accounts to complete outstanding requirements on the Stripe hosted onboarding page. You can programmatically generate Account Links or manually generate links to hosted onboarding from the Dashboard.

Complete on behalf of your accounts: You can use the Dashboard to identify and complete form-based risk requirements on behalf of your accounts from the connected account's details page.

We recommend you review any automated actions triggered by the account.updated webhook, and, if necessary, prepare your support teams in case your users have questions about the changes.

How can I test new API features?

Put the Dashboard into Test mode using the toggle on the top right.

image6.pngUtilize an existing connected account by clicking on one of the rows at the bottom of the Connect page, or create a new connected account by clicking the Create button in the upper right corner.

Once you’re on your connected account’s dashboard, open the overflow menu on the upper right and click Request information.


Clicking Request information opens the following modal.


Select a requirement option from the dropdown. Unauthorized IP Physical Goods has a form requirement which will move the requirement to pending_verification upon form submission. Esc Charity automatically resolves the requirement upon form submission. Click Add to close the modal, and refresh the page to see the new requirement.

View Interventions via the API

Using the API to view interventions will include the IDs of the requirements in the response object in past_due, currently_due, or eventually_due, depending on the current_deadline associated with the requirement.


 id: "acct_123",


 requirements: {

   "alternatives": [],

   "current_deadline": 1709769600,

   "currently_due": [



   "disabled_reason": null,

   "errors": [],

   "eventually_due": [



   "past_due": [],

   "pending_verification": []




Resolving Testmode Interventions

To see how interventions move through the requirements on the accounts object, go to the Connect Account Detail page for this account.



Click on the new task under Actions required to open the task details page and click Submit to us directly from the Update button to fill out the form on behalf of the connected account. This will move the information into a pending state, and the accounts object will be updated to reflect this.


 id: "acct_123",


 requirements: {

   "alternatives": [],

   "current_deadline": 1709769600,

   "currently_due": [],

   "disabled_reason": null,

   "errors": [],

   "eventually_due": [],

   "past_due": [],

   "pending_verification": [






These testmode interventions will automatically resolve in 15-25 minutes, and future requests of the accounts object should reflect that, as shown in the example response below.


 id: "acct_123",


 requirements: {

   "alternatives": [],

   "current_deadline": null,

   "currently_due": [],

   "disabled_reason": null,

   "errors": [],

   "eventually_due": [],

   "past_due": [],

   "pending_verification": []


