2023/2024 US verification requirements updates for Custom platforms: Reviewing connected accounts

In October 2023, we communicated upcoming changes to verification requirements for US connected accounts accepting card payments. You can now see which of your accounts, if any, need to provide updated business information in your Stripe Dashboard and via the Accounts API.

In this article, we’ll cover how to:

  1. Review accounts with outstanding requirements in your Dashboard
  2. Collect updated information from affected accounts.

Review accounts with outstanding requirements

1. Navigate to Accounts to review in your Dashboard. This page shows a list of all accounts with current or future requirements.

2. Set the Verification requirements filter to US and the Last payout date filter to Last 180 days. This will show you recently active accounts affected by the US verification requirements update.

3. Hover over a single account in the list and select View actions required. This will take you to the connected account's details page, where you can see current and future requirements.

4. Select an individual requirement to learn more about what information needs to be provided.

If the Accounts to review page says that no accounts were found, it means you don’t currently have any accounts that need to provide US verification information. However, a connected account's verification status can change over time, including for accounts that have been open or active for a long time. We recommend checking the Dashboard periodically and listening for webhooks from the Stripe API for accounts that need attention. Learn more

Reviewing inactive accounts

In addition to the Last payout date filter, which provides one measure of activity, you can use the Last active filter to identify a broader set of active accounts.

The Last Active filter will consider all of the following types of activity:

In the Capabilities API, capabilities paused due to long inactivity will have “rejected.other” as the “disabled_reason”.

NOTE: “rejected.other” will only be populated on the card_payments capability if it is paused due to long inactivity, but other capabilities may still surface “rejected.other” for other reasons. In our next API version, there will be a new disabled reason for “payments.inactive”.

Stripe puts some verifications on hold for accounts that are inactive. These accounts may remain in a Pending state if they have open requirements that require review. Platforms can review inactive accounts in the dashboard prior to the due dates listed and can take the following actions:

  1. For any accounts that are incorrectly identified as inactive, you can Mark as active from the individual account's detail page
  2. Reject accounts via dashboard or API. Note that accounts must have a $0 balance in order to be rejected.

Marking an account as active will trigger verifications to execute. Any account that becomes active by either: (1) taking a payment, or (2) being marked as active, will have their payouts paused until they provide the updated requirements.

The Last active filter and Mark as active option will be available by May 28, 2024.

Starting June 11, 2024, we will pause payouts for accounts that are still identified as inactive. Payout pauses will roll out in phases.

Collect updated information from affected accounts

You have several options to collect updated information from your connected accounts. Most of the options are no-code or low-code for ease of implementation. You can also use multiple options at the same time to provide more than one remediation pathway for your users, or use different options for different customer segments.

Options for collecting information

Frequently asked questions

Are my connected accounts with future requirements restricted from receiving payments or payouts?

No, accounts with future requirements related to the 2023 US verification updates have until April 16, 2024 before the requirements become due.

Is this the final list of accounts requiring updates?

The Accounts to review page on your dashboard shows all accounts with US verification requirements that have been active in the past year or are seasonally active. Additional inactive accounts which have not had any payments or payout activity for more than one year might be added to the list in the coming weeks if they also require updated information.

Can I export/download the list of accounts?

Yes, you can export the list of affected accounts from the Account to review page. With the Export option can you can optionally configure which fields to include in the CSV. Learn more

Can I use Sigma to query for the list of accounts that require updates?

Yes, you can query Connect data using Sigma and filter for accounts with requirements. However, the requirements column does not include risk reviews and may return a smaller number of accounts than you will see in the Accounts to review page. The Accounts to review page is the authoritative list of accounts requiring updates. Learn more

After I have collected updated information for all of these accounts, will I need to do anything else?

Please make sure your onboarding flows for new accounts are updated with the new requirements so that new accounts that join your platform will not have outstanding requirements.

For your existing accounts that are providing new information, we may ask for more follow-ups as their submissions are processed in order to fully verify their accounts.

Once all accounts requiring updates have been verified, Stripe will continue to monitor for risk and compliance, however any new actions will be part of the normal course of business.

Can the verifications update be fully completed via the API?

Many verification requirements can be resolved via the API. However, some issues require a form to be completed by you on behalf of your connected accounts or by your connected accounts directly. The embedded onboarding component, hosted onboarding flow, and remediation links all allow your connected accounts to complete the forms.

Can I respond on behalf of my accounts for all requirements?

Yes, you can use the Actions required tab on a connected account's details page to see all outstanding requirements and provide a response.

What are risk reviews? Why are they not supported in the API?

Risk reviews gather information that Stripe’s risk teams use to evaluate potentially risky or non-compliant accounts.

Examples include providing steps on how to access a password protected website, uploading evidence and explaining supportability for a restricted business like alcohol sales, or appealing a supportability decision. Unlike onboarding and verification requirements which can be submitted via the API, risk reviews may have conditional prompts for information that can change over time. This makes them technically complex to expose in the API.

What does it mean if an account or a requirement is "pending"? How do I determine whether I need to take action?

A requirement in pending status either means that Stripe is reviewing the information provided, or that additional information is required from connected accounts for full verification.

For some requirements, particularly URL and Industry or Merchant category code (MCC), review may be necessary to ensure the business is supportable.

If Stripe is reviewing pending requirements, users will have an account status of Pending in the Stripe Dashboard. In the API, these users have have requirements in requirements.pending_verification, but there will be no errors in requirements.errors.

If user action is required, users will have an account status of Restricted soon in the Stripe Dashboard. In the API, these users have requirements in requirements.pending_verification as well as a detailed error code in requirements.errors. Error codes can also be seen on a connected account's detail page by hovering over fields with requirements.


Depending on the results of verification or review, pending requirements may move to eventually_due, currently_due, or past_due. Customer KYC data is also reviewed periodically, and you may see requirements go back to pending status for accounts that have been open or active for a long time.

Accounts that have multiple outstanding requirements will appear as Restricted soon if any of the requirements require action. Accounts that have been inactive for a very long time with no payment or payout activity may remain in Pending state for an extended period.

I don’t see my question here. Where else can I learn more?

Read a summary of what is changing with the US verification updates, the timelines, and answers to questions about why Stripe is updating requirements.

See detailed information on the fields that have updated requirements and how the requirements have changed.