Do I have to have a business website to sign up for Stripe?

To start using Stripe, you must provide a URL for any website, social media profile, or mobile application you use to promote your business or sell products. If you submit a social media profile, please provide the full URL (for example and not just the social media handle.

Stripe requires all merchants who sell or promote products or services online to provide the URL of their business website, social media profile or mobile application when completing account activation.

If you don't use a website, social media profile, or mobile app to promote your business or sell products online, you will be asked to provide a description of the products you sell instead.

If the social media profile can’t show all the required information, due to character limits or other functionality, you can link to this information as long as it is easily accessible from the social media profile. 

See Business website for account activation FAQ for more details about the required information.

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