Data that can be copied between Stripe accounts

You can copy the following data types from one Stripe account (the source account) to another (the destination account) by following these steps:

  • Customer data

    • Name / billing name

    • Email

    • Phone

    • Address / billing address

    • Metadata associated with the Stripe customer object

  • Payment type data

    • Cards (including card, source, and/or payment method object)

    • ACH (bank account object)

    • Metadata associated with the Stripe object for a particular payment type (example: metadata associated with a card_ object)

Customer object IDs will remain the same between the source and destination accounts but the payment IDs will change. Even though card IDs change, they will still refer to the same card details (i.e., card number, expiration date, address, etc). Customers will not be informed that this copy is taking place in the background.

Things to know about copying data to a new account

  • Individual charges, invoices, plans and subscriptions, coupons, events, logs, SEPA sources, Bacs PaymentMethods, Connected accounts, and Guest customers do not copy over.

  • The customers that are copied over will have the same id on the new/secondary account as they did on the original account.

  • This process is a copy, not a migration, so all of your old data will remain in your old account. We recommend keeping the original “old” account around so you can access the legacy data there if you ever need to reference it.

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