Create and manage multiple Stripe accounts

You can create additional Stripe accounts associated with your email address or be given access to existing accounts as a team member.

Create a new account

To create a new account, click the name of your Stripe account in the upper-left corner of the Dashboard and select New account.

Switch accounts

To switch the account you’re viewing in the Dashboard, click the name of your current Stripe account in the upper-left corner and select the account to switch to from the dropdown.blob

Manage multiple accounts for multiple businesses

Use separate Stripe accounts for projects, websites, or businesses that operate independently from one another. New accounts are subject to Stripe’s standard policies and pricing and don’t inherit special statuses or similar considerations that applied to your existing account.

If your projects or businesses operate under the same legal entity, you can use the same tax ID and business information across multiple accounts. Provide suitable public business information to avoid customer confusion.

To create many new accounts, or provision accounts automatically, while maintaining centralized reporting and management, create a Connect platform instead of using multiple Stripe accounts.

Manage multiple accounts for one business

To operate multiple accounts related to the same business, such as for local acquiring or maintaining separate business lines, create an Organization for centralized reporting and management.

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