Backup codes for two-step authentication requirement

A backup code for two-step authentication can be used to disable the feature on your account in the event that you lose your devices that were used for the second authentication step. The code is only displayed once during setup, so make sure that you write it down and store it securely in a safe location. If you lose your code but still have account access, you can generate a new one from your authentication settings, which invalidates the previous code.

Your backup code can be used to disable two-step authentication on your account in the event that you lose every device that you use for the second authentication step. It is very important to keep this secure – possession of your password and backup code will provide full access to your account.

Obtaining a backup code

Storing the backup code securely

We recommend storing your backup code in one of the following ways, in order of decreasing security:

Any of the above methods should provide protection against the most common threats to your account.

Note that when using a USB flash drive, we strongly recommend that you dedicate one device to backup codes for Stripe and other websites only, and that you only ever plug it in to add or read a new code. This makes it more difficult for malware to read the credentials.

We do not recommend storing your backup code:

If you suspect that your backup code may be compromised, go to your two-step authentication settings and generate a new one as soon as possible. This will invalidate the old code.

If you do not have your backup code OR your authorised two-step authentication device