Automatic migration of your ACH Credit Transfer integration to USD Bank Transfers

Users who process ACH Credit Transfer payments through Stripe Billing or Invoicing will have their accounts automatically migrated to USD Bank Transfers. This automatic migration is not expected to disrupt your existing workflows. For a comprehensive overview of the anticipated changes, please refer to the automatic migration documentation, which includes instructions on using bank transfers via the Stripe Dashboard. We highly recommend reviewing these changes, especially if you integrate via the Stripe API or have configured webhooks. If you do not have access to the above-mentioned documentation, you can skip this article as it does not apply to your account.


You should have received an email with the subject line: "Your Stripe account is being upgraded to USD Bank Transfers". This email details the exact date on which your Stripe account will be automatically migrated. You may also encounter notices with the same information as you navigate through the Stripe Dashboard. If you have not received a relevant email, you can skip this article, as it does not apply to your account.


You will not incur additional Stripe fees due to the automatic migration of your Stripe account to USD Bank Transfers.

For existing ACH CT users, USD Bank Transfers currently has the same price point as ACH Credit Transfers.

Connect platforms

If your account is a Connect platform that creates invoices or subscriptions on the connected account, your integration will be automatically migrated to USD Bank Transfers. Stripe will also migrate all of your connected accounts that actively process ACH Credit Transfer payments. Connected accounts that were onboarded by Stripe and have full Dashboard access will be notified at least one month in advance of their migration. Following the migration, your connected accounts will no longer be able to process ACH Credit Transfer payments.

Opting out

If you have reviewed the changes associated with the automatic USD Bank Transfer migration and believe that it will disrupt your existing workflows, you can opt out by contacting us. Please provide specific details of how your current integration will be affected. We will then provide you with a deadline by which you must manually migrate your account to USD Bank Transfers. Please note that continuing to use the deprecated ACH Credit Transfer product is not an option. If you are unsure about the impact that the automatic migration will have on your account, please don't hesitate to contact us – we're here to help.

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