Adaptive Pricing is a Checkout, Payment Links, and Hosted Invoices feature that converts prices to a customer’s local currency using the latest Stripe-provided exchange rates, allowing you to present prices in your customer’s local currency.
New updates to Adaptive Pricing on Checkout and Payment Links will be available starting on April 8, 2025. Learn more about these updates, what to expect, and how to prepare. Adaptive Pricing will be available on Hosted Invoices starting on May 20, 2025.
What is Adaptive Pricing?
Adaptive Pricing is a feature that you can enable from the Dashboard that converts prices to a customer’s local currency using the latest Stripe-provided exchange rates. This allows you to present prices in your customer’s local currency for 150 countries and unlocks payment methods that require local currency presentment.
Customers see prices converted to their local currency based on their location, the exchange rate applied, and supported payment methods. They still have the option to pay in the original currency you set for your prices.
See our technical documentation for more details.
Why enable Adaptive Pricing?
Enabling this feature has been shown to result in higher revenue (averaging 17%+), higher conversion, and net new sales in new markets where customers predominantly pay in their local payment methods.
What are the Stripe fees?
- You pay 0%
- Your customers pay 2-4%
You don’t directly pay any additional Stripe fees for Adaptive Pricing, as all such fees are paid by your customers. The Stripe-provided exchange rate you present to your customers includes a conversion fee of between 2-4% , increasing their purchase price by a corresponding amount. Stripe typically charges a fee of 4% for orders under 500 USD, 3% for 500-1.5k USD, and 2% for orders over 1.5k USD. View the pricing page for current fees at Stripe.
Your customer’s card issuer or bank might also charge them additional fees for purchases from foreign merchants, and you should disclose this to your customers.
If the mid-market exchange rate is 1 USD = 1 EUR and a US merchant sells a 100 USD item to a German customer, the Stripe-provided exchange rate applied will include a 4% conversion fee (1 USD = 1.04 EUR). In this case, the customer will be presented with the option to pay 100 USD or 104 EUR. Regardless of the customer’s currency selection, the merchant will receive 100 USD (104 EUR / 1.04), less applicable Stripe processing fees.
For what period is the exchange rate guaranteed?
Stripe uses the mid-market exchange rate and applies the 2-4% conversion fee to guarantee the rate for the duration of the Checkout Session (up to 24 hours) through settlement. If the exchange rate changes by more than 5% in the first 24 hours after payment, Stripe might use the updated exchange rate to calculate your payout.
Why was I refunded a different amount?
Refunds or chargebacks are issued in the currency that the customer paid with. Adaptive Pricing might apply the latest Stripe-provided exchange rate when issuing refunds or chargebacks, which means you might gain or lose revenue depending on how exchange rates have changed. See our technical documentation for more details.
Can I disable Adaptive Pricing?
You can enable or disable Adaptive Pricing for Checkout or Hosted Invoices on the Dashboard. Adaptive Pricing is always enabled for Payments Links sessions.
What terms apply to Adaptive Pricing?
The Stripe Services terms govern your use of Adaptive Pricing.
Why did I receive an email that Adaptive Pricing has been enabled for my account?
Stripe automatically enables Adaptive Pricing across Payment Links, Checkout, and Hosted Invoices. If you received an email, you have eligible cross-border volume and your customers will be presented with the option to checkout in either their local currency or your primary currency. See our technical documentation for more details.