UAE Promotional Pricing FAQs

For any UAE Stripe accounts registered before 1st January 2022, a promotional price was available from June 2021 to 31st December 2022.

Why is this change happening?

As part of our launch in the UAE in 2021, we offered a promotional pricing rate to Stripe’s early adopters when we launched in the UAE. This promotional pricing rate is effective until 9 January 2023, as communicated in our promotion announcement email.

What is my updated pricing?

The fees associated with payments on your account will be:

  • 2.90% + 1.00 AED for domestic Visa and Mastercard credit and debit cards (vs our promotional rate of 1.90% + 1.00 AED that was applied to your account since our launch in 2021)

  • +1% for international cards (unchanged)

  • +1% if currency conversion is required (unchanged)

Pricing for all other Stripe products such as Billing, Invoices, Climate etc., is unaffected by this change. You can find full details of these fees on our Pricing page:

When will the updated pricing come into effect?

The updated pricing will come into effect on 9 January, 2023.

What happens to my other Stripe accounts?

If you have other Stripe accounts in the UAE, they will also automatically have the updated pricing plan. Other Stripe accounts outside of the UAE will not be affected by the change.

I have more questions about my pricing. What should I do?

If you have any questions about your pricing, especially regarding volume discounts or multi-product discounts, our Sales team would be happy to discuss your account’s pricing.

You can contact our Sales team here:

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