Changes to the Stripe Billing Starter and Scale plans

We’ve replaced both the Starter and Scale tiers of Stripe Billing with a single Billing plan that includes all of our subscription-management and revenue optimization features at a new price of 0.70% of Billing volume. Existing customers (prior to July 10, 2024) will pay a promotional price of 0.50% until June 30, 2025.

What is included?

See more details about how features have changed for:

What if I had a promotional price or special rate?

We are still honoring all promotions for Stripe Billing. You will not be charged at the new Billing rate until your special promotion concludes.

What if I have a sales contract?

We have not made any changes to the Billing plans of users who have sales contracts. Contact your Stripe account executive if you have questions about changing your contract.

Are there ways to access Stripe Billing at a lower rate?

We are adding a subscription-based pricing option for Stripe Billing customers. This allows you to pay for Stripe Billing with a monthly subscription, which can make your monthly costs more predictable and reduce them when compared to pay-as-you-go pricing. Subscription-based plans are currently available in most countries.

If your business processes large volumes on Stripe, contact sales to inquire about custom pricing.

Can I opt out of these changes and stay on my old Stripe Billing tier?

No, we are no longer offering the Billing Scale and Billing Starter tiers.