Brazil-specific account verification troubleshooting

If verification on your account fails, it can result in your payouts being paused. Remember, it can take up to 24 hours for newly uploaded documents to be reviewed.

See also Information needed to open a Stripe account in Brazil

Incomplete information on your account

Make sure you've included required tax information such as the CPF or CNPJ numbers. Ensure you entered your full name and that the information is the same as for your CPF. The ID number is your CPF.

Documentation provided doesn’t show tax information (CPF/CNPJ)

  • Person verification: The CPF must be visible in the document uploaded for verification (RG or Driver's license).
  • Business verification: If the document used for business verification doesn’t show the CNPJ number, you may need to add additional documentation to complete your account’s verification. In that case, you can upload an additional document like Cartao CNPJ (only accepted as a complementary document for verification) or one of the Accepted documents for verification in Brazil.

Legal representatives vs shareholders

There are different fields for legal representatives and shareholders (when the business type is partnership or corporation).

Shareholders can be non-Brazilians. If they are non Brazilians but live in Brazil, they will have a CPF.

If they are non-Brazilians living abroad, they will need to add the details of a legal representative in Brazil, including their CPF and address. They must also sign a power of attorney to the legal representative in Brazil.

General account verification information

What do I need to do to verify my Stripe account?

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