“Know Your Customer” obligations

Stripe is required by its regulators to collect certain information from account holders in order to prevent abuse of the financial system, and this requirement varies from country to country. When an account is created, the system will prompt the user to provide the required details for that country. You must keep the details in your Stripe Account current by promptly updating your information with any changes.

“Know Your Customer” (KYC) obligations for payments require Stripe to collect and maintain information on all Stripe account holders. These requirements come from our regulators and are intended to prevent abuse of the financial system.

The information Stripe is required to collect differs from country to country, and typically includes (but is not limited to):

  • The individual creating the Stripe account
  • The business associated with the Stripe account
  • Any individuals who ultimately own or control that business (includes Custom Connect accounts)

If you sign up for a Stripe account directly, we will prompt you to provide the details required for your country when activating your Stripe account. When onboarding accounts to a Connect platform, you can find the required information fields for users in each country by selecting the relevant country from the required verification information menu or by using the Country Specs API.

You must promptly update your Stripe Account with any changes affecting you, the nature of your business activities, your Representative, beneficial owners, principals, or any other pertinent information. We may also reach out periodically to confirm that information on your account is still accurate.

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