How do I update the business type for my payee on their tax form?

The information required for a 1099 tax form depends on an account’s business type and whether or not they have a US-based representative. If a user selects the wrong business type while onboarding or a business changes, the business type will need to be updated. If the business type or business structure is updated after the 1099 tax form has already been filed, a correction may be required.

Custom connected accounts can update business type or business structure via the Dashboard or the API.

Express connected accounts, contact support to update business type or business structure.

Updating business type via the Stripe Dashboard

Only the Connect Onboarding Analyst and Admin roles can update business type. The Tax Analysts role can't edit connected account information.

  1. Navigate to the connected account in the Dashboard
  2. Locate the Business details section and click Edit
  3. Select the new business type, then click Save and continue
  4. Business types can now be edited on verified connected accounts

Updating business type via the API

  1. Use our accounts_update API to update the business_type and/or company_structure.
  2. Set business_type and company_structure.
    • Leaving company_structure blank will default to private_company requirements and use Employer Identification Number (EIN).

You may determine with your user that their form doesn’t contain the tax details they expected—either Business Name / EIN, or Individual Name / SSN. The information below outlines which business types default to which set of tax details.

This article is neither legal advice nor tax advice. We recommend that you speak to your tax advisor with any questions or concerns around tax reporting.