Finding the ID for an API Request

Each API request has an associated request identifier, e.g. req_123456789.

How do I find the ID for an API request?

You can find a log of API requests in your dashboard by navigating to Developers >> Logs (note: this will link to your dashboard in test mode), or if you have access to network requests, this is found in the response headers as Request-Id (Request IDs API Docs).

Using the dashboard

Navigate to Developers >> Logs. When you click into any of the requests recorded in Logs, you’ll find the request ID in the top right corner with functionality to make it easy for you to copy. You can also find the request ID in the dashboard URL as well.


Filtering to a specific API request

You can use the search filters on the Logs page to help you find a specific API request. For example, if you’re looking for an API error, you can limit your search to show only requests that failed. Adding in additional filters such as time period or request path can help you refine your search further.


Additional guidance

The request page provides you with details for understanding where the API request was sent from, what information was sent to Stripe (‘Request POST body’) and what Stripe returned in the response body. Especially if you’re troubleshooting any errors, it can be really helpful to take a look at the ‘Response body’ section to see more detail on the type of error that was generated.