Find what transactions were included in or impacted a payout amount

For automatic payouts, you can find the list of balance transactions that were included in the payout from:



Payout reconciliation report

The payout reconciliation report (CSV) can either be downloaded from the Dashboard or the Reporting API. Data will typically be available the day after a payout is created. Recommended for most users.


For automatic payouts, the Dashboard page displays a summary and breakdown of the transactions that were included in the payout. Recommended for one-off queries.


The balance_transactions Sigma table includes automatic_transfer_id, which describes the automatic payout that the balance transaction was included in. Recommended for custom reports.

Balance Transactions API

For API integrations, you can query the Balance Transactions endpoint passing the relevant payout ID in the payout parameter. For most payouts, data will be available within a few minutes of payout creation, which will be reflected in the reconciliation_status field on the Payout object. Alternatively, you can subscribe to the payout.reconciliation_completed webhook.


To see all of the transactions that were included in a specific automatic payout in the Dashboard:

  1. Log into your Dashboard.
  2. In the navigation bar, click Balances.
  3. Underneath Balances, click Payouts.
  4. Click on the payout you would like to see the transactions for.
  5. Scroll down to the Summary and Transactions sections for details.

The section includes:

Additional Information

Due to the nature of manual payouts, it is not possible to see these breakdowns, as there is no explicit connection between charges or specific activity and the amount decided upon to be paid.

For more information about other types of reports you can run through Stripe, check out our Stripe reports guide.