Fee refunds and reassessment when backdating a switch to IC+

If you recently moved to the IC+ pricing structure, and the change was backdated, it’s important to understand that Stripe will refund you for all the blended payments fees that were assessed during the backdated period. We will also re-assess payments fees for that same time period using the new IC+ pricing structure. Below is a guide on exporting and filtering the reports that show these refunded and re-assessed fees:

To find the refunded blended payments fees

  1. In the dashboard, navigate to the Balance report, and select a date range that covers all months in the backdated time period. For example, let's say your contract was signed on May 11th, and we backdated the change to April 1st. You'd enter a date range in the Balance report page of April 1 through May 31st.

  2. Download the Balance change from activity report. The “Default” data columns should suffice, but feel free to add any others if desired.

  3. Once downloaded, filter the reporting_category column to fee , and then filter the description column to contains "previously". We do this because the refunded blended fees will always be under the fee reporting_category , and the description will always be "Card payments (YYYY-MM-DD): Credit for previously-assessed fees". You'll notice there should be one row for each day in the backdated time period. In other words, there will be one of these refund balance transactions for each day between April 1st and May 11th.

  4. With the report filtered this way, you can now see an itemization of all of the fees Stripe refunded that were assessed using the old pricing structure.

To find the re-assessed IC+ payments fees

re-assessed Per-AUTH and Volume Fees

  1. Using the same report as above, change the filter in the description column to does not contain "previously", and contains "card payments". This will leave you with a list of all the Stripe per-authorization fees and volume fees we re-assessed.

  2. You'll want to review all rows where the date in the description field is between April 1st and May 11th. Examples: "Card payments (2022-05-06): Stripe per-authorization fees" or "Card payments (2022-05-10): Stripe volume fees".

re-assessed Network costs

  1. Clear all filters in the same report as above, and now filter for reporting_category = network_costs

  2. Again, you'll want to review all rows where the date in the description field is between April 1st and May 11th. Example: "Card payments (2022-05-03): Transaction network costs"

  3. You should now have been able to review the re-assessed network fees.


In sum, when you first switch to IC+ and the change is backdated, the network costs for that backdated time frame are going to appear to be high. This is because all of the refunded blended fees are included in the fee reporting_category (which is the "Stripe additional fees" line item in the Balance report within the dashboard). But the re-assessed IC+ fees will be split between two different reporting categories.

The re-assessed Stripe payments fees (e.g. Stripe per-auth and volume fees) will have the reporting_category of fee , but the re-assessed network costs will have the reporting_category of network_costs. In other words, the network_costs reporting_category will not show any refunded fees, only re-assessed fees, but they should be offset by the refunded blended fees mentioned above.

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