Dispute life cycle and the importance of submitting evidence (Mexico)

When a cardholder issues a dispute, the bank will notify Stripe and, as we are legally required to do so, the bank withdraws the disputed amount plus the bank's MXN $ 150.00 fee for managing the case. Stripe is not liable for dispute and chargeback fees, these are discounted by the bank and only returned to the merchant if the dispute is won on their behalf. This amount will be discounted from your balance and funds passed on to the bank, that will hold them until a resolution is reached.

Once the chargeback is created, you have a limited amount of time (usually 7–21 days) to respond with evidence that the charge was legitimate. The time given varies depending on the card network. If you do not submit evidence by the time the deadline passes, the cardholder wins the dispute and keeps the funds. That’s why it’s extremely important that you submit evidence within the deadline when you received a dispute.

Submitting evidence to disputes

At Stripe, we go beyond to help you submit evidence to disputes and advise users on how to respond or accept disputes. Our role is to assist with the submission of evidence and notify the bank of updates. It’s important to note that the dispute process is fully handled by the cardholder’s bank, and Stripe doesn’t participate in the decision of whether a dispute is valid or not.

If you submit evidence, it is sent to the cardholder’s bank that has a limited amount of time (usually 60–75 days) to respond, varying based on the card network. Stripe updates the dispute’s status as soon as the bank’s response is available, but that response is often not known until the deadline passes. The decision from the cardholder’s bank is the final step in the dispute process.

In that context, if the dispute is found in favor of the cardholder by the bank or if no evidence is presented, the cardholder will keep the amount of the dispute and their bank will keep the dispute fee. If you win the dispute, both the disputed amount and dispute fee will be returned to your Stripe balance.

Note: Banks review evidence only once, so you can only submit it once. You need to make sure your evidence is complete and sufficient before submitting.

You’ll find a full guide on how to respond to disputes here:


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