Dispute and Fraud in Mexico - FAQ

Most common questions regarding disputes and fraud in Mexico.

What are disputes?

When a customer has an issue with a credit card charge, they can dispute it with their bank. When a cardholder issues a dispute, the bank will notify Stripe and, as we are legally required to do so, the bank withdraws the disputed amount plus the bank's MXN $ 150.00 fee for managing the case. This amount will be discounted from your balance and funds passed on to the bank, that will hold them until a resolution is reached.

Where can I see my disputes?

You can see all disputed payments in your dashboard under Payments>Disputes:


Why is Stripe discounting fees on my disputes?

Stripe is not liable for dispute and chargeback fees, these are discounted by the bank and only returned to the merchant if the dispute is won on their behalf. When a cardholder issues a dispute, the bank will notify Stripe and, as we are legally required to do so, the bank withdraws the disputed amount plus the bank's MXN $ 150.00 fee for managing the case. This amount will be discounted from your balance and funds passed on to the bank, that will hold them until a resolution is reached.

I received a dispute. What should I do?

If you receive a dispute, first we recommend to get in touch with the customer and discuss it before you respond. It’s possible that they simply did not recognise or remember the transaction when they viewed their statement.

Second and most importantly, make sure to submit evidence through the Dashboard within the timeline shown under “FECHA LÍMITE DE RESPUESTA”. You should always submit evidence, even if the customer withdraws the dispute -- a dispute without evidence is automatically closed as lost for the merchant and you’ll lose your dispute fee.

You can see all your disputes here:


More information about the different reasons for disputes that occur and how to respond accordingly here:


I received a dispute and I have already sent physical goods to this customer. What should I do?

You’ll find tips in the link below on what evidence to submit depending on the dispute type:


We also encourage you to review our best practices to protect your account from fraud and disputes:

Checklist to prevent disputes and fraud in Mexico

What is your recommendation to protect my account from disputes and fraud?

Check out our tips in this link:

Checklist to prevent disputes and fraud in Mexico

How can I set Radar rules in my account?

First, make sure you have Radar for Fraud Teams configured in your account. You can check this by going to Settings>Radar in your Dashboard. A 30 days trial for Radar for Fraud Teams is available for merchants, you just need to click on “Try Radar for Fraud Teams”:


Once you have Radar set up in your account, go to Settings>Radar>Rules. Follow the guidance in the link below to build rules in your account (make sure these rules make sense to your business):


We recommend setting rules to put in review transactions with an amount that is larger than your typical transactions (Review if :amount_in_mxn > [your typical transaction amount]).

What charges should I approve and what charges are suspicious and I should refund?

The type of fraud attack will depend on the type of business, and for that reason the business owner has to be aware of suspicious payments and manage the protection of their Stripe account. Be on the lookout for multiple payments from the same customer/card, payments with an amount larger than your typical orders and payments from countries that you don’t usually get orders from.

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