Connect availability in the UAE

Our Connect product is a powerful API and set of tools used to route payments between a business, customers, and recipients who need to get paid. It powers payments for business models like marketplaces and software platforms.

You should be aware that some configurations may require you to contact our sales team.

We support the following configuration of Connect for UAE users:


Foreign platform with UAE connected accounts

UAE platform with UAE connected accounts

  • Stripe collects fees
  • Stripe will be liable if a connected account can't pay back their losses
  • Connected accounts have access to the Stripe Dashboard

Available only with:

  • Direct charges
  • Destination charges with the on_behalf_of parameter

Available with all charge types

It is not possible to create UAE connected accounts where the platform is liable when the connected account can't pay back their losses.

We only support the following business types creating a connected account:

Any connected account holders will need to provide a valid trade license issued within the UAE as part of the verification process - as a result, we don't currently support individuals without a license signing up for a connected account.

Helpful resources for Connect in the UAE