Activate a new payment method

To enable or manage payment methods, view the Payments settings in your dashboard to select and turn on the methods. Depending on the integration, additional steps may need to be taken to accept the payment method. Alternatively, if you use the Hosted Invoice Page, you may need to enable payment methods on the Invoice Template settings page.

You can view a list of available local payment methods that you can accept in your Payment methods settings.

Click Turn on next to the payment method you want to accept. Depending on the payment method, you may be prompted to provide additional information required by the scheme.

After turning on, most payment methods will show as “On” immediately, while a select few may show “Pending” temporarily.

Depending on your Stripe integration, you may need to take additional steps to start accepting that payment method on your site. We recommend using a hosted integration like Checkout so the payment method is available right away, without any code changes.

Managing payment methods for the Hosted Invoice Page

If you use the Hosted Invoice Page, you’ll need to set the payment methods that you want to accept for invoices on the Invoice Template settings page.

You will need to:

  • Click Manage
  • Select which of the payment methods supported by Invoices you wish to enable
  • Click Save

You will also be able to edit which payment methods you want to accept for a specific invoice in the Invoices and Subscriptions editors.

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