Stripe now offers accelerated payout speeds for users in many European countries and Canada, with funds available within 3 business days.
When will I be eligible for this accelerated payout?
Users will be eligible after 30 days of active processing and meet a certain set of risk criteria. Some users in high-risk industries may not be eligible.
Where can I check my payout speed?
You can always check your country’s default payout speed on Stripe’s docs page or in your Dashboard under Payment Settings.
Additionally, if you are eligible for faster payout speeds, you will receive a series of emails and a dashboard notification to the address associated with your user account letting you know that you are now eligible for funds available within 3 business days.
What if I don’t want a faster payout speed?
You can opt out of this change at any time in your dashboard.
How would this change affect my current pending balance?
The new payout speed will apply to all new payments once you have switched over to your faster timing. Your current pending balance will be paid out on your existing speed.
Any new payouts created during the switchover time may be momentarily paused until your next payout date. This is because Stripe is tracking and separating funds acquired on your standard T+7 timing vs. those acquired on your new T+3 timing. Once your active T+7 funds have been settled, this will no longer be an issue.
Does this affect my payout schedule?
No, this is a change to the duration between transaction happening and funds becoming available for payout to your Stripe account. This is not a change to the cadence in which you receive your payouts, for example the manual or automatic (daily, weekly, monthly) payout time that Stripe creates from your available balance.
If I am a Platform user, how does this affect my connected accounts?
If you are a Stripe Standard Connect Platform, your connected accounts will be eligible on an individual basis and they will receive confirmation of their eligibility from Stripe directly.
For more questions and information on Payouts, please check the Payout Settings section of your dashboard or read through our docs.