Identifying 1099 forms that need attention


This article outlines how to gather connected accounts that will need to update some part of their tax information, before filing, by using the Stripe tax dashboard. Most connected accounts that 'need attention' have an addresses that is missing information or a TIN that is not verified with the IRS. The process outlined below will help you identify both types of accounts.

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Step 1: Logging into the system

Log into your account to be routed to your home dashboard.

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Step 2: Navigating to the dashboard

Click on the connect tab and then tax forms. You must have Admin or Tax Analyst permissions to view the tax dashboard:

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Step 3: Navigating to Needs Attention

Under the Tax Forms Header there are 5 tabs: All, Needs Attention, Ready, Filed, Export and Imports. For this process, we will focus on the “Needs Attention” tab

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Step 4: Filter forms that ‘Need Attention’

  1. Click on the Filter button in the top right corner

  2. Click on ‘Needs Attention’

  3. Pick ‘Any Reason’

  4. Hit Done

This will filter all forms that have one of the following causes for the ‘Needs Attention’ status”: Address, Business Name, TIN- Any Reason, TIN- Missing, TIN-Mismatch, or All.

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Step 5: Exporting The Needs Attention Users

Once you have filtered out which users need attention, you’re ready to export those out of the dashboard and into either a CSV file or PDF. If you’re going to edit the users information in bulk and import the updated information back into the system, it is recommended to export using the CSV method. To do this click on export. Once you’ve clicked on export you will be prompted to select either CSV or PDF.

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Step 6: Popup modal to select which form and TIN information

After you have selected the format of the file you want to export, a popup modal will appear for you to select which type of forms you want to export and if you want to include the TIN number. The type of form is auto selected from your preferences, and the TIN is toggled off automatically. If you want to download the user's TIN, click on the toggle button to download. This will turn purple once it is toggled on. Next Click on Export in the bottom right of the popup modal. 

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Step 7: Confirmation Popup Modal

After you have clicked on the export button, a popup modal will appear to let you know that your CSV export has successfully started. Click on the close button to exit this popup. Now you’re ready to grab the exported results.

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Step 8: Navigating to the Exports & Import Tab

After closing the popup modal, you will be routed to the Exports & Imports tab automatically. The newest export will be at the top of the list

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Step 9: Downloading Your File

The connected accounts included in the CSV can be used as part of outreach campaigns by your platform to help gather updated information.