หน้านี้ยังไม่พร้อมให้บริการในภาษานี้เรากำลังดำเนินการอย่างเต็มที่เพื่อให้เอกสารประกอบของเราพร้อมให้บริการในภาษาอื่นๆ และเราจะแสดงเอกสารฉบับแปลในทันทีที่พร้อมเผยแพร่
2025 updates to Singapore verification requirements - Private Companies

The information below applies to companies who are owned by one or more individual persons

As a part of the updates to Singapore Verification Requirements in 2025, Stripe would be reaching out to you for more information about your business.

Please log in to your dashboard to view the required actions and review the resources below to learn more about the type of information you may need to provide.

Stripe will request information in three areas:

  • Verification that the account representative holds a position of authority in the business
  • The ultimate beneficial owners of your business
  • The directors of your business

Stripe requests that you provide your UEN number on the dashboard. Based on your UEN, Stripe will utilize government directories like ACRA to retrieve information about your business. If the information provided on your Stripe account does not match the information provided on ACRA, Stripe will request additional documentation.

Please review the sections below to understand what information you can share with Stripe for each requirement and how to share it.

Business Representative

  • The business representative must hold a position of authority in your organization. The representative needs to be listed on ACRA Bizfile as a key officer, which could be any of the following roles: Owner, Director, Managing Director, CEO, Partner, General Partner, or Trustee.
  • If the key officers of your business do not match the information provided on ACRA, you can share Government-issued documents (e.g., Biz Files) or a notarized internal document such as board meeting minutes.
  • If the key officers of your business are unable to manage the Stripe account, Stripe requires a Letter of Authority (Template) signed by the CEO or a Director, authorizing a designated person to be listed as the representative of their company (letter should be dated within the last 12 months). This designated person can then be verified as a representative on Stripe.
  • We will also require an ID of the authorizing person.
  • The business representative will be required to provide the following information:
    • Proof of ID
    • Proof of Address
    • Proof of liveness
  • This information can be provided via Singpass on your dashboard. If you do not have access to Singpass, you can upload acceptable documents from this list.

Ultimate Business Owners

  • Ultimate business owners are individual persons that, directly or indirectly, own 25% or more of your business.
  • Stripe will pre-fill all the owners who own 25% or more of your business that are listed on ACRA, based on the UEN shared by you.
    • If the list of prefilled owners is not accurate, you can also choose to edit this information manually. Stripe requests that you submit additional documentation that matches the updated information provided. You can upload one of these documents on the dashboard (issued/notarized in the last 12 months):
      • A government registration document (such as ACRA Bizfile)
      • A notarized internal document
      • A Certified Attestation using this template
        • If your company has holding companies as shareholders, Stripe recommends you upload a certified attestation
  • An additional ID might be required for Owners if their ID information is not available on the uploaded document.


  • Stripe will prefill all the directors of your business that are listed on ACRA. If the list of prefilled directors is not accurate, you can also choose to edit this information manually. Stripe requires you to submit additional documents to verify the updated list of directors shared by you. You can upload any of the following documents on the dashboard (issued/notarized in the last 12 months):
    • A government registration document (such as ACRA Bizfile)
    • A notarized internal document
    • A Director Certification using this template
