What information is required to open a Stripe account in Thailand?
In order to open a Stripe account in Thailand, you will need to provide the following information:
Type of business | Based on how you chose to incorporate, the business type options available for Stripe accounts in Thailand are: • Company (บริษัท) • Registered Partnership (ห้างหุ้นส่วนจดทะเบียน) • Unregistered Partnership (ห้างหุ้นส่วนสามัญไม่จดทะเบียน) • Sole Proprietorship (กิจการเจ้าของคนเดียว) • Individual (บุคคลธรรมดา) |
Legal name | For a registered entity, you should provide the legal name as it appears on the Company Affidavit (หนังสือรับรองนิติบุคคล) provided by Department of Business Development. For Sole Proprietorship (กิจการเจ้าของคนเดียว) or Individual (บุคคลธรรมดา) business types, please provide your legal name as indicated on your Personal ID. Thai nationals should provide legal names in Thai script. |
Business registration number | Business registration number (หมายเลขจดทะเบียนนิติบุคคล) is only applicable for a registered entity. The company registration number (หมายเลขจดทะเบียนบริษัท) should match your Company Affidavit (หนังสือรับรองนิติบุคคล). |
Business address | A business address in Thailand. |
Business phone number | Your business phone number. This is only for Stripe internal purposes and will not be shared with your customers. |
Description of your business | Select your industry and provide a description to the best of your ability. This is only for Stripe internal purposes and is not being sent to any external regulatory or tax authority. |
Website | No website yet? No problem! You can use your app store link or social media profile. |
Business representative details | Legal name of a person • The legal name should match the name appearing on your Personal ID. • Thai nationals should provide legal names in Thai script. Household registration address / Current residential address • If you are a Thai national or a resident of Thailand, provide your current Thai address. • If you are not a Thai national or not a resident of Thailand, provide your current residential address instead. Phone number • Personal phone number. This is only for Stripe internal purposes and will not be shared with your customers. Business representative details are not applicable for an Individual (บุคคลธรรมดา) business type. |
Ownership details | Details of the primary customer of Stripe in your company who owns more than 25% of the business, or if such an individual(s) does not exist, individual (s) in a position to exercise significant control of the business’s finances and operations e.g. CFO, CEO, Director. Details include percent ownership, legal name, personal ID number, date of birth and home (mailing) address. Depending on your company type, this may be a repeat of the company information. Also, whether there are other owners. Ownership details are not applicable for Sole Proprietorship (กิจการเจ้าของคนเดียว) or Individual (บุคคลธรรมดา) business types. |
Statement descriptor | This information may appear on your customers’ credit card statement. You can change it at any time. |
Customer support phone number | Your main support phone number. This will be publicly available to your customers. |
Bank details | A Thai-based bank account that's THB denominated. This includes the bank's name, the branch code, and the account number. |
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