If you are a Registered Charity in Canada Stripe will verify your registered charity status with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).
If the information submitted with Stripe completely matches the information listed with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), there is no action needed.
If the company name and Business Number submitted on Stripe cannot be verified with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Stripe will ask you to update the information on your account or to upload documentation about your incorporation that 100% matches the information on your account.
Note: Before uploading any document please review your company name, address, Business Number, and director names currently saved on Stripe to ensure it is up to date and that matches the information on the registry. You can review the information on the Dashboard.
Your ability to accept payments and get payouts to your bank account will be paused if we are unable to verify the information.
Accepted Evidence of Registered Charity status
Your document must be issued by the CRA and has to be successfully reviewed and matched to the information on your Stripe account before your entity can be verified. Reviews can take up to 24 hours for our team to complete.
For a list of accepted document types for Registered Charities in Canada please refer to: Acceptable verification documents by country on the “Company/Entity Documents” tab. You’ll also find the list of document types on the Business page of your Dashboard settings.