Updating the subscription currency

Last updated on: 31 May 2023

To change the currency of existing subscriptions without needing to ask your customer to return to your website or app, first create new product and price objects in the relevant currency. Then, complete the following steps for each customer concerned:

  1. Remove or void any open discounts, invoice items, invoices or quotes in the previous currency

  2. If your customer has a balance in the previous currency, create customer balance transactions to convert this balance into the new currency balance.
  3. Cancel any subscriptions or subscription schedules with the price(s) in the old currency and prorations disabled.
  4. Create a subscription or subscription schedule with the price(s) in the new currency. Use the previous subscription's end time as the billing cycle anchor with prorations disabled.

This flow allows you to re-use the same Customer and PaymentMethod objects for the new currency subscriptions. We recommend notifying your customers about this change and allowing them to change their payment method for the subscription if they wish, either using the Payment Element or the Customer Portal.

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