Subscription retries for failed 3D Secure authorizations

If a subscription payment fails due to authentication issues when using 3D Secure, the payment will not automatically retry based on your retry settings. Unauthorized payments are still considered active, as they are waiting to be authenticated and have not technically failed as payments.

To notify your customers of authentication issues with their payments, you'll need to enable the Send a Stripe-hosted link for customers to confirm their payments when required toggle in your Billing settings, where you can also configure other Billing options such as your Smart Retry settings.

Additional Information

If you're implementing a new Billing integration and would like to handle the 3DS recovery flow yourself, follow the guidance in our Billing Implementation for New Integrations guide.

If you're looking for information on making your existing Billing integration SCA-compliant, visit our SCA migration guide for Billing.

For guidance on payment authentication with free trials and other non-payment invoices, visit our Billing implementation documentation.

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