Restricted Businesses in Mexico

Before getting started with your Stripe account, make sure your business is not listed in our restricted business list:

Restricted Business categories may be imposed through Network Rules or the requirements of our Financial Services Providers. In certain cases, businesses listed in this link may be eligible for processing with explicit prior approval from Stripe. Note, however, that businesses that offer illegal products or services are never eligible to use the Stripe Services. If you are uncertain as to whether your business is a Restricted Business, or have questions about how these requirements apply to you, please contact us.

By registering with us, you are confirming that you will not use the Service to accept payments in connection with restricted businesses, restricted business' activities or practices, unless you have received prior written approval from Stripe. Any balance of payments processed by a restricted business may be held by Stripe to cover eventual disputes.

It is also prohibited to use the Service for any dealings, engagement, or sale of goods/services linked directly or indirectly with jurisdictions Stripe has deemed high risk, such as Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Crimea Region, and Syria.